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Beaded genuine leather handbag. Cute stereo design reminds you of listening to your favorite songs. The handbag is beaded and embroidered from various brown, white, red, and silver beads. The beads are hand-laid. Features a leather crossbody strap and can be used to carry all your essentials. Inside pocket for easy access, zipper closure to keep your wallet, cell phone, and keys. Dimensions: 9.5 x 2 x 7", Strap Length: 49", Strap Drop: 23.5", Features: Non-removeable leather and crossbody strap, zipper closure, inside pocket, back pocket, fits a cell phone, genuine leather.
Frame Material: Wood |
Seat Material: Wood |
Adjustable Height: No |
Seat Style: Saddle |
Distressed: No |
Custom Made: No |
Number of Items Included: 1 |
Folding: No |
Stackable: No |
Cushions Included: No |
Arms Included: No |
Legs Included: Yes |
Footrest Included: Yes |
Casters Included: No |
Nailhead Trim: No |
Weight Capacity: 225 Kilogramm |
Commercial Use: No |
Country of Manufacture: Vietnam |